Speakers of the 6th DRC Summer School - Budapest, Hungary 1989 – 2009: Achievements and Lackings [ download]  István STUMPF, Századvég Foundation, Budapest Transition and the Judiciary  Péter HACK, Faculty of Law, ELTE, Budapest Civil Society and Participation [ download]  László KÁKAI, University of Pécs The economic development in the Danubian Region after 1989 [ download]  Vladimir GLIGOROV, Vienna Institut for International Economic Studies Global Challenges, European answers, CEE prospects [ download]  Tamás SZEMLÉR, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Background Stories: History of Austria-Hungary, 1989 and CEE Grants [ download]  Tamara SCHEER, Research Assistant, Vienna University, Institute for Contemporary History Political Transformation in the Central European Region: Similiarites, Disparities and Peculiarities  Andreas PRIBERSKY, Institute for Political Science, University of Vienna The youth and its role in transformation  Jörg FORBRIG, German Marschall Fund of the United States, Bratislava Corruption and ways of dealing with it [ download]  Tina OLTEANU, University of Vienna Regime Change and their impact on the perception of the Danubian Region  Emil BRIX, deputy chairman, IDM, Vienna CEE - The backyard of the EU or international player?  János MARTONYI, University of Szeged, Szeged Workshop - Finap presentations Ws1 - Tamara SCHEER [ download] Ws2-3 - Renáta Anna DEZSŐ [ download] Ws4 - Armagan GOZKAMAN [ download]