
About the School

Summer School

from 2004


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2004-2006 2007-2009 2010-2012 2013-2015 2016 2017

Speakers of the 5th DRC Summer School - Krems, Austria

Robert SOLTYK, Policy officer, External Relations Directorate-General, European Commission, Brussels
The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) [ download]

Ioannis STRIBIS, Legal Advisor, International Centre for Black Sea Studies, Athens
Co-operation strategies between the EU and the Black Sea region

Alice ACKERMANN, Officer, Conflict Prevention Centre, OSCE Vienna
Prospects and challenges of the ENP crisis management from the point of view of the OSCE [ download]

Csaba TÖRŐ, Head of Section, EU Department, Office for Foreign Relations, National Assembly, Hungary
Reasons and prospects for EU crisis management undertakings in the "Eastern neighbourhood" of the Union

Vladimir BILČĺK, Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Slovakia
The internal dynamics and the external impact of the ENP: does the neighbourhood policy make a difference?
[  download]

Tibor SZENTANDRÁSI, Assistant, Department of Political Science and European Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia
Economic and social conditions and perspectives of the ENP on relation with the Ukraine [ download file 1; download file 2]

Nóra SASVÁRI, Ph.D., Budapest Corvinus University (BCE) - Institute for International Studies
Dimensions of civil society in the ENP

Manfred HORVAT, Former Director in the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Vienna
Widening the European Research Area to the neighbouring countries of the EU [ download]

Zoltán CSÉFALVAY, Professor, Andrássy University, Budapest
The social and economic dimensions of the ENP [ download]

Daniela MUSSNIG, Project Coordinator, Intercultural Center, Vienna
Civil Society in the Caucasus - A European policy challenge

Daniel GROTZKY, Research Fellow, Center for Applied Policy Research, Munich
Direct Neighbourhood – A new Eastern policy for the EU [ download]

Martin MALEK, Institute for Peace-keeping and Conflict Management, Academy of National Defence, Vienna
ENP in the context of the `frozen conflicts` in South Caucasus: with special consideration of Georgia
Brigitte MARCHER, Head of Unit for European Politics, Renner-Institut
The EU-debate as a challenge for the Renner-Institut in the Austrian context
Robin GOSEJOHANN, Project manager, ERSTE Foundation
ERSTE Foundation: Bee-ing good? [ download]
Wolfgang STREITENBERGER, Advisor to the Director-General, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission, Brussels
EU Neighbourhood Policy in the public opinion of the EU [ download]

Workshop leaders

Ádám KÉGLER,Project manager, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, EU researches, Hungary

Sergiy GLEBOV, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Institute of Social Sciences, Odessa Mechnikov National University, Ukraine

MarkCon 2008 Supported by: International Visegrad Fund - Grant No. 20810161