
About the School

Summer School

from 2004


papers, volumes



History organizers drc supporters contact

IDResearch Ltd.

IDResearch Kutatási és Képzési Kft.

H-7624 Pécs, Jakabhegyi út 8/E
Office and postal address
H-7621 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 11.
Tel./Fax: +36 72 522-624, +36 72 522-625
Mobile: +36 30 4086-360
E-mail: tarrosy@idresearch.hu, Internet: www.idresearch.hu

ID in the name of our enterprise indicates first the significance of possible research and co-operation between different disciplines (InterDisciplinary) in today’s globalising world; second, refers to the ability of developing creative ideas (Idea+Development) and third, covers Innovative power and Dedicated aspect of the enterprise.
Since 1997, a team of young researchers, students and Ph.D. aspirants from the University of Pécs have been organising various national and international symposia, conferences, seminars and summer schools about different aspects of social and political changes in Central and Eastern Europe (ranging from regional co-operation, the place and role of the V4 countries to security dilemmas of our global world). IDResearch is a young company based on the experiences and achievements of the past years, with a special intention of generating and shaping collaborations among young researchers in Central Europe. The aim of the company is to become a well-known generator of co-operations between national and international actors in the field of human sciences and research, project development and training. IDResearch Ltd. is interested in strengthening a new generation of social scientists who can search for and interpret affects of global processes appearing on the local level, and contribute to expressing social demand by establishing a new co-operation culture. For this aim the company plans to develop accredited trainings for young scientists to help them obtain complementary and pragmatic skills useful for their future work.

Current projects include

  • the DRC (Danube Rectors’ Conference) Summer School series on Regional Co-operation (www.d-r-c.org; www.drc2008.idresearch.hu);
  • Cultural Development Strategy - for the city of Kaposvár;
  • the Publikon project (portal for social science research (www.publikon.hu); own development);
  • spin-off agency for the University of Pécs (innovating summer school development strategies, promoting international student recrutation, comprehensive surveys);
  • consulting agency for the Hungarian Tourism Board Regional Marketing Directorate (regional strategies for youth tourism);
  • publisher of African Studies (Afrika Tanulmányok) periodical and initiator of several researches, conferences and workshops on African issues - www.afrikatanulmanyok.hu;
  • Collaborator in the International Cultural Week in Pécs series (www.icwip.hu).

We offer complex services

  • Scientific Research, Market Research
  • Conference Organisation
  • Project Management
  • Publishing Books and Journals
  • Grant-writing and Fundraising
  • International Partnership (network) Building
  • Media Analyses, Promotion Campaigns, Campaign Communication Trainings
  • Webpage Design and Content Development
MarkCon 2008 Supported by: International Visegrad Fund - Grant No. 20810161